Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Bugs!

Let me show you the bugs i found in Zu Online.

1. The "OMG, why the hell everything stuck on my body" bug.
Solution: Relog or try to teleport to other map.

2. The "How the hell did i get up here?" bug.
Solution: JUMP.
Ok,there's no jump in Zu, just try to walk you'll fall from the roof with zero injuries.

If any1 every get stuck in the lake or whatsoever, try to using hearth spell or if u got that purple orb which can transfer u to other places, try use that too. If that didnt work, try RELOG. and Finally, if NOTHING works, try LIVE support ppl where you can find them ready to be yell/scream at the Zu Online main website.

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