This happenned everyday for each there each classes got their turn to dance for 30min free exp reward, except for saturday and sunday, all the classes can join in the dance. So go find the Sacrifice Envoy to get the dancing stone. And It's FREE!
Yup, i spell the right words. And i never thought i need to go thru exams to get the rewards. You can test your knowledge of Zu Online and real world stuff... meaning stuff like history, date, etc, which i'm pretty sucks with. I haven't got a clue when it ask stuff bout Europe or US. This event happened 3 times a day, 1st time FOC, 2nd&3rd is not. Unless if it saturday and sunday, where 1st&2nd you get to join it for free.
I love cc. But sometimes it require luck to get it to success. All you gotta do is, go to the main city , find flight/ride envoy, when the system notice say contest start, draw the material from him and right click on the recipe to refine them.
ALL of these events gave you lots exp. Its the fastest way to level when you have no quest to help you. I enjoy all the event but on saturday and sunday,
hi~~~ Oga here ^^ nice blog ^^V
hope to see sometime in any game >.< lol anyways gud day and God bless always ^_~
sorry sorry I made a stupide typo there I meant hope to see you sometimes in any game >.< sorry for the spam lol
aarrggh.... spam spam spam....
lol.... u must be bored to death. didnt notice u were spamming ...SPAM MORE XD
JOIN me in zu
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