The 1st time i saw Law and Order (in TV version) it was GREAT. But in the game version... really, the same song looping over and over and over again? Will drive u NUTZ. The game, Law & Order:Criminal Intent 2-Dark Obsession is easy (because it got a hint system), 100% puzzle, no fighting or killing or shooting whatsoever and with the same old song non-stop, u just wanna close it and uninstall it permanently. But i did complete the game in the most fastest way as i could which is skip all the talking stuff and just blindly guess etc etc etc. I wish they add more song/music. And make the office more animated (it's really dull) because all your char can do is walk around finding clues and stuff. It was good at 1st but then... the longer i played.. the more dull the game look to me.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
What's the worse thing that happened to you when you're in the middle of cooking? Well, for me, it's started like this. I was chopping some vegie and few other stuff, my eggs r already in the pan and then suddenly for few mins, you just stand there and wonder... why did it too the eggs too long to fry?
OMG, OUT OF GAS! of ALL the worse thing happend, it had to go of when i was hungry! and then suddenly, the lights went off. i mean the ELECTRICITY. Great,right? sigh* it took like 30 min for the electricity to come back. And my cooking is RUIN!
Well i had to use oven instead, lucky, it didnt burn. sigh* now like it or not i HAd to eat it. Wonder how it taste like? FYI, it's still in the oven, i look at it and smells like cake... Maybe that vanilla scent milk make it smell like that? but i only put like 2 teaspoon.
The 1st time i saw Law and Order (in TV version) it was GREAT. But in the game version... really, the same song looping over and over and over again? Will drive u NUTZ. The game, Law & Order:Criminal Intent 2-Dark Obsession is easy (because it got a hint system), 100% puzzle, no fighting or killing or shooting whatsoever and with the same old song non-stop, u just wanna close it and uninstall it permanently. But i did complete the game in the most fastest way as i could which is skip all the talking stuff and just blindly guess etc etc etc. I wish they add more song/music. And make the office more animated (it's really dull) because all your char can do is walk around finding clues and stuff. It was good at 1st but then... the longer i played.. the more dull the game look to me.
The 1st time i saw Law and Order (in TV version) it was GREAT. But in the game version... really, the same song looping over and over and over again? Will drive u NUTZ. The game, Law & Order:Criminal Intent 2-Dark Obsession is easy (because it got a hint system), 100% puzzle, no fighting or killing or shooting whatsoever and with the same old song non-stop, u just wanna close it and uninstall it permanently. But i did complete the game in the most fastest way as i could which is skip all the talking stuff and just blindly guess etc etc etc. I wish they add more song/music. And make the office more animated (it's really dull) because all your char can do is walk around finding clues and stuff. It was good at 1st but then... the longer i played.. the more dull the game look to me.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Spending my days with...
Since i hardly able to play my fav games, i try out few offline games which leave me with craving for ice cream. It look so delicious.
Well i watch LOTS movies but i just in a not so bad mood, i end-up with Pan's Labyrinth. It is good. It's a bout a girl who wanna go find her way back home sort of stuff. Definitely got a few awful moment which really not recommended for some1 who don't like to see a maid slashing a guy's mouth ( i had to close my eyes, i so hate that part). Anyway, it's a good movie. I enjoy it.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Timber Falls!
The 1st thing i do when i saw the movie is... close my eyes >.< Timber Falls is a horror thriller type of movie. It's about a couple who when hiking and they didn't get lost, they're just unlucky -.-" to go thru the other path. The movie is not bad. Makes me feel lucky cause i don't like to go hiking.
I miss my mmo games. DESPERATELY. I wanna play ASDA, 2MOONS, SRO, VCO! Just when i thought the disconnect are over... but i spoke too soon. sigh* i need new isp. But others are expensive to me. What Should i DO?! Don't tell me to call the isp, cause i did that and they said got no problem -.-" This is definitely a waste.
p.s. i don't bother to put up any pictures due to stupid thing keep on giving me error.
I miss my mmo games. DESPERATELY. I wanna play ASDA, 2MOONS, SRO, VCO! Just when i thought the disconnect are over... but i spoke too soon. sigh* i need new isp. But others are expensive to me. What Should i DO?! Don't tell me to call the isp, cause i did that and they said got no problem -.-" This is definitely a waste.
p.s. i don't bother to put up any pictures due to stupid thing keep on giving me error.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tin Man & Invisibility Everywhere
Tin Man. Oh, the tin man guy is cute but his eyes is too pretty for me. It's a Sci-fi mini series which divided into 3 parts. It's a modern classic of Wizard of Oz. The tin man is a cop in OZ, the "cowardly?" lion is a lion look alike but can dig into ur mind, the scarecrow is the zipper head guy with a missing brain and Dorothy get to be the princess. I love this version of a story, make me wish for a shapeshifter dog but prefer a handsome type of shapeshifter.
I get to play 2moons but still... i get dc often. The new stuff i encounter today is INVISIBILITY. Yup, i saw every npc and players in invisible mode all around me. All i can see are their names. sigh* as much as i love invisible things, i just hate it when i can't finish my quest by talking to the invisible npc. I can't lock on my target npc.
And now, here I am waiting for my browser to finish loading which took ages, from the moment i got back home from work till now
I don't know why i bother trying to play unless of course i'm addicted which prove i am definitely addicted. OMG, i been trying to upload pictures and still... omg.. how many tries/reload must i try? .... don't ask how many times, try it for nearly an hour.
I get to play 2moons but still... i get dc often. The new stuff i encounter today is INVISIBILITY. Yup, i saw every npc and players in invisible mode all around me. All i can see are their names. sigh* as much as i love invisible things, i just hate it when i can't finish my quest by talking to the invisible npc. I can't lock on my target npc.
And now, here I am waiting for my browser to finish loading which took ages, from the moment i got back home from work till now
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Brotherhood of the Wolf & another attempt
After few time attempts on playing mmo again and failed( by now u would probably notice, I usually watch movie when I can't play any games). I watched another movie called "Brotherhood of the Wolf". OMG! It was COOL. Ok, the movie got 3 cute guys,
i like that Indian guy and the cute marquis. But why does the bro had to die >.< And all those wolf got killed for doing nothing! And WTF is wrong with my pc?! I can't seem to get the screenshot of them!
After the movie ended, i try to play 2moons once again. And guess what?
I finally manage to finish 2 out of 3 of the rookie maze quest. And after that.... it start to disconnected again, and again, and again. Sigh* At least I manage to level-up 1 level...

Monday, December 10, 2007
Bring It On & The Last Winter
The 1st movie was "Bring It On : In It to Win It". It was quite ok, since i like to watch movie with cheerleading stuff. All those jumping and flying which 100% i can't & scared to death to do it, makes me wonder "is it real"? I so wanna watch it for real! I don't mind wasting my money watching this 1.

I wish the internet connection will run smoothly 4ever. I WANNA PLAY MMO!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
My 1st day in 2moon
I was planning to play 2moon right after I'm done with Silkroad Online, that was my plan ages ago... until I was distracted by other games with super cute guys, or super cute characters which by now i hardly remember what it was. I love 2moon start screen interface. Those eyes are pretty and very hypnotic. The login screen is not so bad. I think may be there's something wrong with my monitor or graphic card because it look pretty dark to me.
My 1st day in 2moon was pretty ok. Till suddenly this guy say "hi" to me and start talking. Since i didnt know much bout 2moon, I asked lots question which most of them are still alien to me. Then the guy actually said he's new to the game
Luckily, he was lv15, I was lv 5. He ask me to follow him around, so I did (exploring is 1 of my favorite part). Good thing about being a girl is, some guy will wanna be ur friends and protect u from all those evil lurking with red name and could kill u with just 1 hit (which actually happened to me when the mob suddenly appear right in front of my face). We got lost (which he claim we did not) few times and I end-up killing red mob but didn't gain anything (probably because I'm not in party at all). Well, that's the end to my roaming around till 2nd map journey. I got disconnected 4times in few minutes which prove that streamyx does sucks when it comes to games and whatsoever (it's been very sucky for days or i won't bother to write bout them here) but since I don't have much of a choice, I had to bear with it.
My character is a Segita Hunter. A very sexy female using bow, crossbow or dagger. Since I dunno where to put all those stat point, I just add to dex and the rest ... let's just say I add to everything. I was hoping to get a summoner but it turn out to be a male. I don't have anything against male but I never wanna be a guy and I love being a girl. So I only got 2 choices : Segita Hunter or Incar Magician. So, I try out both of the char at different server. Since my magician manage to get her self kill lots of time due to lag, I think I stick to hunter for a while.
I learn fishing! it's not bad, consider I never go fishing before (due to my impatient nature). Fishing actually caught me a necklace which turn out it only gave 1% curse. Anyway, the fishing mode is pretty not bad as well cause this is the 1st time I found a game which say "f8cker" in their system.. which make me curious what else did they put in there, lol.
My 1st day in 2moon was pretty ok. Till suddenly this guy say "hi" to me and start talking. Since i didnt know much bout 2moon, I asked lots question which most of them are still alien to me. Then the guy actually said he's new to the game
My character is a Segita Hunter. A very sexy female using bow, crossbow or dagger. Since I dunno where to put all those stat point, I just add to dex and the rest ... let's just say I add to everything. I was hoping to get a summoner but it turn out to be a male. I don't have anything against male but I never wanna be a guy and I love being a girl. So I only got 2 choices : Segita Hunter or Incar Magician. So, I try out both of the char at different server. Since my magician manage to get her self kill lots of time due to lag, I think I stick to hunter for a while.
I learn fishing! it's not bad, consider I never go fishing before (due to my impatient nature). Fishing actually caught me a necklace which turn out it only gave 1% curse. Anyway, the fishing mode is pretty not bad as well cause this is the 1st time I found a game which say "f8cker" in their system.. which make me curious what else did they put in there, lol.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
What to do if ur pc got virus?!
1st thing ever to do : DON'T PANIC 
OK, so I panic >.< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 102);">2nd thing to do : RUN ANTI-VIRUS & SPYBOT
I didn't forgot to run the spybot... I just forgot to run the anti-virus part. Well, I know the problem causes by some sort of malware spyware whatsoever, that's how i got panic on the 1st place.
3rd thing to do : GOOGLE - it if none of the "2nd" works
Let's see, what was my problem? My task manager is definitely available but only for few second. And then i try regedit (start -> run -> regedit) all i heard was a big "ding" or was it "dong"? You know what i mean right? So all those thing i Google it and yup, that's how i know bout my pc got some sort of virus. And i forgot what was the virus call. Some of the solution may contain 3rd party software (u know the 1 u need to install to get rid of the virus?) but it's up to u whether to use it or not. Just be careful not to kill ur pc.
4th thing to do : System Restore - if none of the solution u found in Google works
I actually do this step at the 2nd step which really actually not so sure what will happened if only i do like what i should do in this what to do list. As a result, i had to re-download few stuff and since my internet connection is pretty sucky right now, all i do is watch 100 movies and anime and end-up with a new blog.
5th thing to do : FORMAT - if NONE of the step works.
This part is for any of the pc which is desperately unsaveable. Do this step if only u know how to formatt. If u dont know how, ask ur bro, sis, dad, mom, uncle, aunt, friends who knows how to help u with it (u can save $$ here) because some of the service charges are pretty expensive? (not so sure of the price because i never try it) and not to mention u had to carry the cpu to the service center/shop. To format is pretty easy, just make sure u got cd/dvd for the window xp/vista/etc , ur cpu drivers stuff, anti-virus and whatever stuff u want to install into ur pc. Usually it took few hours or 2hours to do it.
Google gave some result on "how to format your computer" stuff.
-> Format & Reinstall Computer Systems
-> How to Format YourComputer & Re-install Windows
-> Formatting Your Hard Drive & Re-installing Windows
By now u would either get dizzy with all of this stuff and rather send ur pc to the service center, or u would learn something useful and same your money in the process. Anyway, remember: DON'T PANIC! and cry, unless u just fix ur pc and in few days later another problem occur to it, then u fix it, then another stuff coming.. well, u know what i mean.
OK, so I panic >.< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 102);">2nd thing to do : RUN ANTI-VIRUS & SPYBOT
I didn't forgot to run the spybot... I just forgot to run the anti-virus part. Well, I know the problem causes by some sort of malware spyware whatsoever, that's how i got panic on the 1st place.
3rd thing to do : GOOGLE - it if none of the "2nd" works
Let's see, what was my problem? My task manager is definitely available but only for few second. And then i try regedit (start -> run -> regedit) all i heard was a big "ding" or was it "dong"? You know what i mean right? So all those thing i Google it and yup, that's how i know bout my pc got some sort of virus. And i forgot what was the virus call. Some of the solution may contain 3rd party software (u know the 1 u need to install to get rid of the virus?) but it's up to u whether to use it or not. Just be careful not to kill ur pc.
4th thing to do : System Restore - if none of the solution u found in Google works
I actually do this step at the 2nd step which really actually not so sure what will happened if only i do like what i should do in this what to do list. As a result, i had to re-download few stuff and since my internet connection is pretty sucky right now, all i do is watch 100 movies and anime and end-up with a new blog.
5th thing to do : FORMAT - if NONE of the step works.
This part is for any of the pc which is desperately unsaveable. Do this step if only u know how to formatt. If u dont know how, ask ur bro, sis, dad, mom, uncle, aunt, friends who knows how to help u with it (u can save $$ here) because some of the service charges are pretty expensive? (not so sure of the price because i never try it) and not to mention u had to carry the cpu to the service center/shop. To format is pretty easy, just make sure u got cd/dvd for the window xp/vista/etc , ur cpu drivers stuff, anti-virus and whatever stuff u want to install into ur pc. Usually it took few hours or 2hours to do it.
Google gave some result on "how to format your computer" stuff.
-> Format & Reinstall Computer Systems
-> How to Format YourComputer & Re-install Windows
-> Formatting Your Hard Drive & Re-installing Windows
By now u would either get dizzy with all of this stuff and rather send ur pc to the service center, or u would learn something useful and same your money in the process. Anyway, remember: DON'T PANIC! and cry, unless u just fix ur pc and in few days later another problem occur to it, then u fix it, then another stuff coming.. well, u know what i mean.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
I LOVE GAMES. In other word "addicted" to it. If the game is interesting, it would manage to make me stick to it like a glue for months or years (ok, may be a year). Anyway, in my search for the right game for me, i went thru lots of mmo and still i see few which might make feel wanna play them. I'm attracted to super nice graphic. Who wouldn't? I'm definitely LOVE to see lots of handsome male char
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